The New York Times' eagerly awaited Sector Snapshot for Insurance is here. (As always, be certain to click in the Sector Snapshot on the "Financials" Category, and then on "Insurance.")
In an UPDATE of yesterday's post explaining how Life Insurance Companies alone in the Insurance Industry are seeking Federal Taxpayer (Bailout) Money, Life Insurance Companies populate the lower left quadrant of the Insurance Sector in this Snapshot. That is the quadrant reserved for "One-Year Price Return" behind the S&P 500 over the last year, AND "One-Week Price Return" behind the S&P 500 over the last week.
The Times' "Tracking Performance" lists Life Insurance Companies in the "Bottom Five" over the last year AND in the "Bottom Five" over the past week.
The reason for all this lagging by Lifers? "Life insurers were under pressure as traders awaited word on an industry request to participate in government aid as part of the Troubled Asset Relief Program," the Times reports. Id., p. B8, col. 1 (New York Times Nat'l Ed., Business Day Section, Wed., March 4, 2009).
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