Is your Insurance Coverage prepared for Hurricanes? The Hurricane Season officially begins on Monday, June 1, 2009. Ready? Explore the issues addressed in this report from Slate, by Martha C. White, "Hurricane Prudence/Is the Battered Insurance Industry Ready for the Storm Season?" (Sunday, May 31, 2009).
The two main issues addressed in this report are the reasons why Property and Casualty Insurance Companies are so much sounder financially than Life Insurance Companies, and some of the changes in Florida Insurance since the 2004 and 2005 Hurricane Seasons struck the State.
Speaking of Florida and incoming Hurricanes, President Barack Obama reports that Federal Government statistics reflect that "a huge percentage of people" has not experienced a Hurricane. The statistics reflect that nearly half of the population on the Eastern Seaboard have recently moved to cities there, without experiencing a Hurricane. See Steven Thomma, "Obama: Hurricane Readiness is Residents' Responsibility" (McClatchy Newspapers Online, Friday, May 29, 2009). The Federal Government has provided a potentially useful web site for information and/or planning for Hurricanes:
Florida newspapers are providing their Hurricane guides at about this time. Check out in particular "What You Should Know About Your Insurance" in the Orlando Sentinel Hurricane Guide (Sunday, May 31, 2009). And see also this piece in the Orlando Sentinel's Guide, "How to File an Insurance Claim After the Storm," or contact one of the many Florida State Government agencies, and Private Insurance Companies, listed at "Hurricane Central" on the web site of the Florida Insurance Council,
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