In a recent post, I made available to you and your clients a link for sources of advice in the selection process of open enrollment for Employer-provided Group Health Insurance Plans. This is the time of year that open enrollment season begins for many such Plans. Medicare recipients, too, may have choices to make in their own open enrollment season. Here is a good source of guidance and advice concerning Medicare opportunities for choice at this time: Walecia Konrad, "Patient Money/Now is the Time to Weigh Medicare Options" (New York Times Online Friday, October 30, 2009; published also in print edition Saturday, October 31, 2009).
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Many would think that sticking to an older plan would be better but this reminds us that we need to constantly address our changing needs and always try to get better options if not rates. Thank you for pointing this out.
Posted by: Insurance CE Online | November 10, 2009 at 11:03 AM