In an Insurance Case a Florida Court has apparently held that there is always a right to have a Judge inspect documents withheld from Discovery under Attorney-Client Privilege: "If a party seeks to compel the disclosure of documents that the opposing party claims are protected by attorney-client privilege, the party claiming the privilege is entitled to an in camera review of the documents by the trial court prior to disclosure." Alliant Ins. Serv's, Inc. v. Riemer Ins. Grp., Download Alliant Insurance Serv's v. Riemer Ins. Grp. (Fla. 4th DCA Case No. 4D09.3594 Opinion Filed Nov. 18, 2009) also published as 22 So. 3d 779, 782 (Fla. 4th DCA 2009)(subscription required to access Southern Second). [Italics in original.]
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