This post comes from the CPCU Society Annual Meeting or Convention in Orlando, Florida.
There is a tangible consensus at this Convention: The Insurance Coverage that is most likely to affect the most people as a result of the Gulf Oil Catastrophe is Business Interruption Coverage. And Catastrophes have regional impact.
Here is a framework for analysis of the Covered Damages of a Business Interruption Claim which I have pieced together from various speakers at this CPCU Convention:
1. Business Interruption Coverage exists for the protection of profit, which is also called Net Income.
2. The goal of Business Interruption Coverage is to put the Policyholder in the same position it was in before the loss. (Most BI Claims are predictably anticipated to come under Commercial Policies, whether held by large or small Businesses, as opposed to Personal Insurance Policies.)
3. Business Interruption Coverage depends on a "Period of Restoration". That is the time, in basic and general terms, during which the Insured-Policyholder gets back on its feet, up and running in business after the Catastrophe that caused the Claim. In this regard, it is crucial to understand that the Period of Restoration depends on economic conditions. For example, we are currently living through a Great Collapse economically and we are expected to have to live through it a good while longer. The actual Period of Restoration on the ground, so to speak, is likely to be a long time coming. In terms of Business Interruption Coverage, there is in addition no "extended period" of Coverage until the "Period of Restoration" is exhausted. This is an Insurance Coverage Issue that is usually settled, the CPCUs in attendance seem to agree, which would explain why there are relatively few Court opinions on the Issue.
More to Come from the CPCU Society Annual Meeting.
The Insurance Questions presented in current Catastrophes have largely been experienced before. That includes Business Interruption Insurance Issues, which perhaps affect the most people. These and similar Insurance Questions have in general terms been addressed by many Courts, in many decided Cases. Dennis Wall is Co-Author of the leading book on Insurance Coverage for Catastrophe Claims, "CATClaims: Insurance Coverage for Natural and Man-Made Disasters" (West Publishing Company 2008; 2010 Supplement in process). Mr. Wall will speak on Business Interruption Insurance Coverage Issues including those arising out of the BP Oil Spill Catastrophe, on November 17, 2010, at a Seminar of the Insurance Law Committee sponsored by the Orange County Bar Association in Orlando, Florida. Mr. Wall will also speak on a panel at the American Conference Institute's Bad Faith Litigation Conference in Orlando, Florida on November 30, 2010 on "Dealing With Catastrophic Disasters: How to Properly Investigate and Handle Overwhelming Claims". The American Conference Institute is offering a discount to readers of this Blog: Download ACI Advises Readers of the Insurance Claims and Issues and Insurance Claims and Bad Faith Law Blog are entitled to a discount.
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