He said he knew from the beginning what a career in environmental law would mean. The purpose is to protect people, not wildlife and rocks. That is what Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. said last night at Rollins College in Winter Park, Florida.
Mr. Kennedy contrasted what I would call environmental concerns, on the one hand, with pollution on the other. In his view, these represent two different business models. Protection of the environment involves protection of assets. These are assets held jointly and in common. What is being protected is sustainable capitalism. It involves the continued presence of the environment for making a profit not just now, in the present, but in the future and always, the use of resources held by all for the good of all.
The competing business model involves, he said, a comparative few making short-term profit for themselves and always at the expense of other people. This is not even a free-market model. Show me pollution, he said, and based on his experience in the field, you will always find subsidies distorting the free market in favor of the few who receive them.
I had not thought of environmental concerns in these terms before. I have thought about the Gulf Oil Spill Disaster, for example, as a Catastrophe which will give rise to many Insurance Coverage Issues, some of which are as yet unknown. But I had not thought of protecting the environment in terms of a business model involving protection of assets held in common, as sustainable capitalism for the good of all, rather than liquidation of common assets for the immediate gain of a handful at the expense of the many.
Have you?
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Nice post, having useful information for public... thanks for sharing...
Posted by: Dallas Contract Attorney | August 25, 2012 at 01:37 AM