Valerie Jarrett is an adviser to President Obama. She advises the president on many subjects including Health Insurance Coverage.
It is unknown what if any particular qualifications or experience Ms. Jarrett has on Health Insurance. It is known, however, that she is the featured participant at meetings on Obamacare even when the Obamacare meetings include Secretary of Health and Human Services, Hon. Kathleen Sebelius. So far as is known, as well, these meetings have been held at the White House, not far from Ms. Jarrett's office, and not at HHS where Secretary Sebelius is in charge. See, e.g., "'AS GOES OHIO' ... HOW GOES OHIO WITH MEDICAID, EXACTLY?" published here on April 3, 2013.
Clearly, the latest deadline of Saturday, November 30th, for a working website will not work.
The only important working reason, as distinct from political reasons, to want to make work, is that the Affordable Care Act a/k/a Obamacare is an opportunity to make a contribution to people who cannot afford health coverage and who do not have health coverage. That reason is enough to make the website work, but if the website continues to fail by Saturday, November 30th as it seems certain to do, there is still plenty of time and there are plenty of options to implement the law for the benefit of the people who need it to work. See "FIVE DAYS LEFT," November 25, 2013, published here.
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