Apparently tired of horrible continuing conditions in the Detroit Public Schools, and weary of the Emergency Manager's attempts to blame the conditions in the schools not on spending less money on students, but blaming the conditions on teachers instead, the Detroit teacher's union has reportedly at long last filed suit. The purposes of the lawsuit, again reportedly, are to mandate the Detroit Public School District to spend the funds on students, and to force the removal of the Emergency Manager, Mr. Darnell Earley. National Briefing / Midwest "Michigan: Detroit Teachers Seek End to Control by Emergency Manager" (Associated Press Copyrighted Story published on The New York Times Online, dated January 28, 2016).
Mr. Earley previously served as the Emergency Manager of Flint, Michigan before he left to become the Emergency Manager of the Detroit Public Schools. During Mr. Earley's tenure in Flint, the decision was made and implemented to save money by hooking up the City's water supply to polluted water from the Flint River without the necessary treatment to make it drinkable, it is alleged in at least one pending complaint. Coincidentally, perhaps, it is alleged that that decision was also made by reducing spending on infrastructure that protects children.
Now a complaint has been filed in Court that alleges that much the same decision was also made in the management of the Detroit Public Schools.
So, assuming that Detroit P.S.D. has a Public Entities policy or the equivalent, would Mr. Earley the Emergency Manager qualify as an Additional Insured under that policy's own language? Or do the taxpayers of the State of Michigan have to foot the bill regardless, first for defense and later possibly for indemnity of either the School District or Mr. Earley or both?
And what of coverage for the decisions to save money at the expense of children, or for the decisions to blame someone else, anyone else, for the consequences?
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