Health savings accounts may not be such a good option for you or your clients. We have been examining some of these patient solutions recently.
Health savings accounts demonstrably work best if you or your clients have a health insurance plan with a high deductible and you do not try to put off healthcare costs thinking that keeping a health savings account balance high is like keeping a savings account balance high. "A high balance doesn't help if you die because you did not want to spend your H.S.A. money to have a doctor check a mysterious lump." Ron Lieber, "HEALTH INSURANCE / Your Money" (Online on Friday, February 24, 2017). This "Your Money" column is a good place to "begin with a quick review session on H.S.A.s."
So, the people who will get the most out of health savings accounts as their health insurance are wealthy people with steady incomes increasing their wealth and therefore with a greater need for income tax deductions than for having the money to pay for healthcare.
"Is that something we wish to cement and perpetuate? Because if we do, our health care system will start to resemble a wealth care system, too." Ron Lieber, "HEALTH INSURANCE / Your Money" (Online on Friday, February 24, 2017).
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