"More links than Carter has pills" you might say: The Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services is the one with more links to consumer resources and information about ways that consumers can protect themselves.
Today, Friday, March 8, 2019, from 1:00 P.M. to 2:00 P.M., they are providing a webinar describing their services. It is available free to all consumers, all you have to do is what I did the other day, and sign up on their website. They do not seem to be advertising it today for some reason known only to them, but keep searching and you will find it on the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services website. You can access their website to begin your search by using the hyperlink I have just inserted above.
Sorry for the relatively short notice, but I just went on their website this morning and realized that they do not seem to be promoting it. So, take an extended lunch today or run the webinar on your computer in the background, or attend however you like!
If you miss the FDACS webinar today, they will likely upload it and make it accessible on their website in the near future.
Whether or not they upload it and make it accessible, I will upload it and make it accessible on this site.
Finally, if all that does not work, the name of their webinar is "FDACS: Making a Difference for Florida’s Consumers." FDACS says that you can send your questions, comments and feedback to: [email protected].
Fellow consumers, let's protect ourselves and begin by learning about the assistance that is already available to us!
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