There really is such a thing as "fake news."
Many ports of entry are being closed to migrants. In their place are photographs of people who attempted to cross at other places that cannot be closed completely, like the desert.
Preexisting methods of processing migrants that were successful have been thrown away. In their place are photographs of people who are interned in camps run by the current federal government.
Children were taken from their parents as a deterrent to coming here. (Apparently this cruel policy was so brutal it is making a comeback with those who inflict it.) Again, the only photographs of the children are the ones the current federal government allowed.
Where's the fake news? That there is a "crisis" at the border with Mexico, that the United States is somehow under an "invasion" threat from families including mothers and children: See Michael D. Shear, Miriam Jordan and Manny Fernandez, Migrants Pour Into a System That's 'on Fire' / U.S. Border Could Be at a Breaking Point, New York Times online Thursday, April 11, 2019 (the newspaper may charge for online access; I am not providing a hyperlink to this one because this article is not worth either a charge or using up one of your free articles in order to see it).
The enabling corporate media: They couldn't do it without you. Or without "fake news."
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