What you don't know can even kill you.
Candida auris is a fungus that thrives in hospitals and nursing homes. It is resistant to drugs. It clings to walls and bedsheets even after the hospital and nursing home staff think that the walls and bedsheets are clean.
Candida auris also kills people. "The C.D.C. [federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention] reports that nearly half the patients who contract C. auris die within 90 days." Matt Richtel, New Rules Are Proposed to Battle Deadly Fungus, New York Times, Friday, May 24, 2019, p. A25 (emphasis added; the New York Times may charge for online access).
According to this newspaper article, New York state health officials have convened meetings with hospitals and nursing homes about potential new requirements to combat the deadly outbreak.
It would be good if federal and state officials were also convening meetings with hospitals and nursing homes to make people aware of the epidemic. So far hospitals and nursing homes and others responsible for housing and treating patients are more concerned with harm to their reputations than with harm to their patients. They tend to say nothing to inform their patients of the dangers of a fungus that is very difficult to control with available drugs, a fungus that within 90 days kills half of the people who came in contact with it.
As the reporter of this article observed, in a mild restatement of the problem from the patients' point of view: "The spread of the germ in some hospitals and nursing homes has been cloaked in secrecy even as it can lead to devastating outcomes for individual patients and their families." Matt Richtel, New Rules Are Proposed to Battle Deadly Fungus, New York Times, Friday, May 24, 2019, p. A25 (emphasis added; the New York Times may charge for online access).
Once again, as happens so often when things that can hurt people are kept from the public, secrecy benefits only those who want to pretend that bad things are not happening.
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