Ever had a loved one in a nursing home or an assisted living facility? Or even in the hospital? Heard about how the level of care they get in all of those places increases as the number of visitors increases?
"Health and Human Services officials have failed to conduct required visits of independent living programs for thousands of people with intellectual and physical disabilities, the agency’s Office of the Inspector General found." Yasmeen Abutaleb, Agency Did Not Conduct Required Oversight of Program for Those With Disabilities, WASHINGTON POST online Wednesday, August 14, 2019.
The Administration for Community Living is the name of the branch of health and human services that has not conducted an inspection of independent living programs for people with disabilities, since Congress voted to delegate this power in 2012.
Not once in seven years. And that's the Office of Inspector General reporting that.
So: Today they say that "orange is the new black," that "50 is the new 60," and things like that. Is this another one of those sayings: "This is the new health, these are the new human services" in 2019?
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