From Behind A Curtain, Naturally.
It started and ended with a tweet. The Secretary of the Navy and the Admiral in charge of the SEALS thought that a trophy photograph clearly displayed conduct unbecoming. In it, the individual in question is photographed standing on top of the body of an unarmed man. Parenthetically, I tried to get you that photo, but it is much, much easier to find photos of the individual smiling at his good luck than it is to find the trophy photo.
The Secretary of the Navy said that the Navy does not act on a tweet. He wanted an order to keep the individual in the photo in the Navy SEALS.
The Navy Secretary wasn't fired, apparently. At least that's how the story goes. The Secretary of Defense asked the Secretary of the Navy to voluntarily resign. So, the Secretary of the Navy voluntarily resigned over the weekend. Read his resignation letter here.
The chair of the Joint Chiefs says that ends the matter.
Except it really doesn't, you know. That photo doesn't even come close to displaying what the SEALS stand for. The individual in question is standing in a trophy photo on the dead body of his unarmed victim. (Is he the next Secretary of the Navy?)
That leaves the Admiral in charge of the SEALS who doesn't want this individual in his command, either. No word yet on what has happened to him.
My best guess? Plan on the Secretary of Defense asking him, too, to "voluntarily resign." There appears to be nothing that the current Secretary of Defense will not do.
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