©2020 Dennis J. Wall. All rights reserved.
To the judges who write big opinions signifying little. They shall not be named. They also serve.
Do not go gentle into those good fights,
Authors should write and write all they can say;
Page, page before they turn off the lights.
Though it's clear wise people leave others their own lights,
Because their words never righted any wrongs they
Do not go gentle into those good fights.
Good people, on all sides, crying how bright
Their frail rights might have danced in a fair court,
Page, page before they turn off the lights.
Wild ones who caught and sang the sun in flight,
And learn, too late, they grieved it on its way,
Do not go gentle into those good fights.
Grave claims near death, are seen in blinding sight
Blind eyes blaze and hearts no role to play,
Page, page before they turn off the lights.
And you, your honor, there on the sad height,
Curse, bless me now with your fierce fears, I pray;
Do not go gentle into those good fights.
Page, page before they turn off the lights.
Inspired by Dylan Thomas who urged rage against the dying of the light.
This poem ©2020 Dennis J. Wall. All rights reserved.