The current regime has not declared martial law yet. Many people have feared that they would declare martial law before now.
The fact that they haven't says that the Army (speaking of the entire military as a whole) will not do it. Soldiers, sailors, air force personnel, coast guarders and marines will not shoot their fellow citizens.
More to the point, the fact that they haven't declared martial law says that the current regime has been told that the Army will not go along with it. The Army will not obey unlawful orders. They are not the German army of the 1930's; they are the American Army of 2020.
The current regime cannot declare martial law and enforce their declaration with just border guards and prison guards, like they did in Washington, D.C. and like they failed again trying to do in Portland, Oregon. The United States is just too big. There are not enough border guards and prison guards, and specialized units in say the U.S. Marshals Service, to do anything more than target specific locations or, perhaps, a specific individual.
If there are individualized disruptions at specific locations, they will be at places where the most likely resistance will not be armed. These border guards and prison guards have not encountered victims who are armed, and they certainly do not confront people who can fight back on anything like equal terms. No, the guards are most likely to "deploy" to areas where they are most likely to confront unarmed people.
Individualized disruptions at specific locations? Perhaps. But not martial law, it looks like. Then the question becomes:
If there are individualized disruptions involving violence, shootings, and even death, what will the Army do then?
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