(Nam Y. Huh / Associated Press)
We are reliving 2016. Well, we're not, not all of us. But The Occupant is reliving 2016.
The Occupant is trying to keep being The Occupant. That apparently means repeating the imagined triumphs of 2016 in Michigan, Pennsylvania and, yes, Wisconsin. See MICHIGAN, PENNSYLVANIA & ... WISCONSIN NEXT? "BE AFRAID. BE VERY AFRAID, posted here on Saturday morning, November 21, 2020 predicting that the next target is going to be Wisconsin.
Now it is Wisconsin. Late in the afternoon on the same day, the LOS ANGELES TIMES posted this Associated Press story: Wisconsin Officials Say Trump Observers Are Obstructing Recount.
Reportedly the current Occupant's Observers are supposed to remain quiet but they can't help themselves, "interrupting vote counters with questions and comments."
They are only supposed to have one representative at each counting table in Wisconsin, but sometimes they have two.
Other times they pose as "independents" so they can have more observers.
It is also reported that there appears to be a pattern in Wisconsin. Many, some or all of the Occupant's Observers object to every single ballot.
A County Election Commissioner in Wisconsin told the Associated Press that this was all "prima facie evidence of bad faith[.]"
He said it. The Associated Press quoted it. "On Wisconsin!"
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