Chalked on a driveway in Winter Springs, Florida. (Dennis Wall)
The recent Jobs Report released by the Department of Labor reported a jobs number that was lower than many people predicted beforehand.
After the fact, some people are suggesting that unemployment benefits makes people lazy and that's why they are not back at work.
Other people explain the Jobs Report by pointing out that women find it hard to return to work if they can't get child care. Still others point out that the employers that pay more, get more workers than employers that expect workers to return for low wages and low benefits.
A recent poll reported something interesting that I have yet to see mentioned by any of these other people. The new poll said that 83% of CEOs of businesses looking for employees want them back full-time on the job site, whether the job site is an office or a factory or whatever.
In the poll 10% of people who identified themselves as employees want to go back to a physical space to work alongside other people for long hours, endless meetings, early rising, and longer commutes. People just don't want to go back to work the same old way.
It looks like 90% of us want to continue to work remotely, according to these poll results.
Remote work. Hmm. Working from home as a value. Something to think about, take into account, factor in when we read reports about the number of people looking for jobs, don't you agree?
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