"The U.S. Chamber of Commerce and many Republican politicians have argued that the temporary $300-a-week supplement [i.e., temporary supplement to Unemployment Insurance benefits due to Covid] has made workers reluctant to return to the job." As a result, currently 16 states have moved to end "pandemic-related unemployment benefits" which are fully funded by the Federal Government. Patricia Cohen, As Jobless Claims Decline, G.O.P. Pushes to Cut Aid, New York Times, Friday, May 14, 2021, at B3. That means the 16 states would not have to pay a dime of the benefits.
The newspaper does not report it, but the 16 states refusing to deliver Federal money for unemployment assistance during a pandemic, account for roughly 21% of the U.S. population. I just did the math, and because math is not necessarily my strongpoint, I say "roughly 21%."
Their cruelty is not our policy.
Even if every single person in the population of these states wanted to cut pandemic-related unemployment benefits -- and that's doubtful -- that is nowhere near enough people to decide that cruelty is U.S. policy. It is just not nearly the majority view in our Republic to deny pandemic-related unemployment benefits to everyone who is unemployed in America.
The real story is that the people in these few states do not make our national policy. The reporting to the contrary is not really reporting and it is not because it is "fake news." It isn't even news.
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