Captured Armored Personnel Carrier in Kabul. (Jim Huylebroek/New York Times)
Afghanistan has fallen. Or at least the Taliban have retaken control of Afghanistan. Lots of commentators particularly in the media write that it was inevitable for the past 20 years that this would happen as soon as the U.S. withdrew. They say they knew it all along.
I don't recall them saying that at all during the last 20 years. I could be wrong. I do recall them saying some things but it wasn't that.
New reporting also begins to provide some details about the deals that the Taliban made with the former guy and his secretary of state Mike Pompeo in 2020. The former guy was notorious for making deals. The new reporting also begins to provide some information about the deals that the Taliban made after that with Afghan officials. See Susannah George, Afghanistan's Military Collapse: Illicit Deals and Mass Desertions, Washington Post online Sunday, August 15, 2021; Susannah George and Ezzatullah Mehrdad, Hundreds of Afghan Forces Surrender in Kunduz as Taliban Consolidates Hold on Country's North, Washington post online, Wednesday, August 11, 2021.
Making deals is what the Afghans do and have done for a long time. The Afghans were cut out of deals between the Taliban and those in control of the U.S. government in 2020, which left the Afghans on their own against the Taliban.
And left whatever happened next to the next U.S. president to clean up.
Immediately after the deals between the Taliban and the people in control of the U.S. government in 2020, Afghans began making their own deals with the Taliban to literally turn over the keys as soon as the Taliban showed up.
What seemed to be a collapse was a contract.
But more about the deals later.
This is the first of four parts, one for the time of each person who was elected President of the United States in the past 21 years.
George W. Bush. Then Barack Obama, followed by the former guy, and finally Joe Biden.
First up, George W. Bush.
They told us then that they were not nation-building. George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, et al.
For not the first time, the people in charge of the American Government lied to us. We know now that they were nation-building. The truth is that they were trying to build a democracy in Afghanistan that looked like the U.S.
The thing is, we knew that at the time. Or at least that is what I recall was reported at the time.
I do not recall, however, it being reported at that time -- or at any other time during the past 20 years before now -- that the Afghanistan built by the U.S. would "collapse" once the U.S. withdrew.
Either the Bush people knew that Afghanistan would collapse as soon as the U.S. withdrew, or they knew that the regime they installed was incurably corrupt. Either way, the Bush people didn't tell us those things. They told us instead that their Afghanistan was coming together very nicely.
For its part, the media at the time reported that the regime in Afghanistan was incredibly corrupt. I do not recall that they reported that the regime in Afghanistan would "collapse" the minute the last American left.
The truth is different. Based on what we already know now, the difference determined the outcome. There is more to come.
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