One of the joys of becoming a senior is not giving a hoot whether someone likes what you do as long as you like doing it (and it doesn't hurt anyone, of course). Scott Maxwell's in-box at the Orlando Sentinel was full so my EMail to him came back to me. There are two other ways that I can think of that I can try to contact him. One is by blog post. The other is by Twitter after this blog is posted. I will try both. First, my blog post, here.
Mr. Maxwell,
My wife and I read your columns. We both enjoy your writing, and we both admire your work (most of the time, and more than enough to keep us admiring your work).
At her suggestion, I am embedding in this EMail an article I published on one of my blogs yesterday, Sunday, August 8. It would be great if you could follow up on this story, for the sake of the children in Florida's public schools -- and for the sake of Florida taxpayers who have to foot the bills run up by the politicians in Tallahassee.
Thank you and stay well and safe.
Dennis Wall
AUGUST 08, 2021
(Photo by Dr. Scott Kobner in an ER /Los Angeles Times)
You may not choose to send your children to an unvaccinated charter school in a pandemic. But you will end up paying for it in Florida under a new "emergency" rule reportedly issued by the Florida State Board of Education on Friday, August 6.
The Board of Education's emergency rule in the Covid pandemic would not require any vaccinations or masks so as to protect the children, staff, and teachers in any Florida schools. To the contrary, it will make Florida State money available to parents who want to move their children to private schools that do not require masks, out of public schools that require masks in the pandemic.
The average cost of private school tuition in Florida is reported to be $9,157 a year. This may prove to be the most expensive rule ever adopted by Florida's Education Board.
Some background. Florida's current governor threatened to withhold Florida State money from school districts that require masks. It seems a long time ago, but it seems he said that a week ago Friday. Since then, he was apparently told that he might not actually have that authority, because this Friday, he switched to the "emergency" rule from the State Board of Education to use Florida State money.
Either way, he wants to use Floridians' money to pay for what truly looks like the coming loss of public education in Florida.
(Jae C. Heng / Associated Press)
Whatever happens, you can bet that the governor's children and the Board Members' children and their friends' children will not be hurt. But you can also bet on the certainty that your wallet will be hurt, because this is a big opportunity for some politicians and their cronies to make a buck by privatizing your children's education even if you have to pay for it, and even if your children are hurt by it.
These people are not letting anything or anyone stand in the way of their making money. Journalists would do well to explore the bank accounts of these people and their stock holdings, wherever the public has access to this information. For that matter, Freedom of Information Act requests might cover this information even when it is not publicly accessible.
(Photo taken by Dr. Scott Kobner in an ER / Los Angeles Times)
If they are going to issue rules in our name with our money that are likely to hurt our kids, we have a right to know whether they are profiting from it. It really is as simple as that.
-30 The End-
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