(Robert Franklin/South Bend Tribune)
If you watch the Notre Dame Fightin' Irish play the University of Cincinnati football team today, watch the game for FREE on NBC or any other free outlet that might be available to you.
(via Fighting Irish Wire)
The current regime in charge of the University of Notre Dame has made it into the University of Notre Dollar. Everything and anything for a buck. They have contracted with a pay-per-view cable television outlet for followers to pay money for the service that Notre Dollar will get a cut of.
They have done enough already. Don't let them get away with this; their next installment may be (likely will be) to black out the game unless you pay to watch it, with the Notre Dollar gang getting its cut of course.
(Luis Sinco/Los Angeles Times)
Watch it if it's FREE! Don't watch it if it's not FREE! Power to the People!
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