In the past week, we have explored the draft Executive Order (XO) of December 16, 2020 in this space. Today we hear that there were at least two draft Executive Orders, the one we've seen dated December 16, 2020, and at least one more that we have not yet seen.
A few things to mention about the draft XO dated December 16, 2020 before we pass on to other things and other draft orders. Today we move from incompetence to deception, from things that actually happened to things that did not happen at all.
One is the reference to an order issued by Judge Amy Totenberg in the Northern District of Georgia before the 2020 election. Judge Totenberg actually threw out a request to ban the voting machines that were chosen by the Georgia State government to use in the 2020 election.
After the 2020 election, not one but several recounts found the election in Georgia free of any significant fraud whatsoever in 2020.
Second, the draft XO declares that Coffee County, Georgia "refused to certify its result." That is not true. The Coffee County Board of Elections and Registration wrote to the Georgia Secretary of State on December 4, 2020 -- 12 days before this draft XO is dated, so it was certainly known when the order was drafted -- that "the Coffee County Board of Elections and Registration have voted to certify the votes cast in the election night report." (Emphasis added.)
The final thing worth mentioning at this time is the draft XO's similar flaw in its description of voting machines in Antrim County, Michigan. Dominion Voting Systems has since filed its lawsuit for libel and slander, so I will not say much more about it here other than to point out that a Committee of the Michigan Legislature with a Republican Chair and a majority of Republican members issued a written report finding that the voting machines in Antrim County did not include any significant fraud. And that they also sent a written request to the Michigan Attorney General to take action against those who falsely said that fraud was committed with the voting machines in Antrim County.
Is there no end? Apparently not, not with more draft "Executive Orders" still to see the light of day.
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