Ninety percent of the truck drivers in Canada are vaccinated. That doesn't fit with the story of a protest by truck drivers in Canada against vaccination.
The Canada Teamsters Union is against the trucking takeover in Canada. That doesn't fit with the story of a rampage by Canadian truck drivers.
The money that is funding this rampage is coming through a silent site that funded Kyle Rittenhouse, the young man who crossed state lines on a journey to Wisconsin where he shot people. Why a funding site that funded Kyle Rittenhouse? That doesn't fit with a story about Canadian truck drivers protesting vaccination.
And something else about the money that is paying for all this. A chunk of the money is coming from a billionaire in Silicon Valley in the USA. Why is a billionaire from Silicon Valley paying for anarchy in Canada?
After the past five years, it is astonishing how many people just accept what they're told when they're fed a story, and how few people ask questions. This was never so true as now, so far as news reporters are concerned. They feed stories all the time as if they are paid to write press releases.
Time to be skeptical if ever there was one. To be skeptical does not mean not to believe in anything. It means not to accept things at face value but instead to ask questions and require proof.
The story-tellers think that you don't have a brain in your head. Prove them wrong. Oh, and speaking of using your head. After a while, turn off the Cable TV and the radio shock jocks. End the loud propaganda that leaves you no time to think and enjoy the silence of truth inside your head instead.
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