Printing press releases seems to be a rule in J School. At the least, it seems to be a rule at cable and other media outlets.
Russians take civilians from Ukraine and put them in camps. The Russians call the camps "filtration camps." That is what the cable and other media outlets practicing 21st Century Journalism call the camps as well, "filtration camps."
People are starved in these camps. Sanitation is bad to nonexistent. These things happen in concentration camps.
People are tortured in these camps. That too is what happens in concentration camps.
People are interrogated for hours and many are taken away, never to be seen or heard from again. That as well is what happens in concentration camps.
If it smells like a concentration camp, tortures like a concentration camp, and "disappears" people from the face of the earth like a concentration camp, it's safe to call it by its true name: It's a concentration camp.
If that's too much to say or write, for whatever reason, then call them simply "camps." Short of interviewing for a job in their propaganda ministry or something like that, though, do not fool yourself that it is in any way accurate to describe these camps the way the people responsible for these camps describe them.
It is easy to do that, but it is not accurate reporting.
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