Yes. That's not a typo. Google Maps.
So you want to be heard? Your voice is drowned out by all the noise, it seems to you? Want to do something about say unfortunate contributions that in your eyes are like the ones that the Beetles sang about in 1969 in the song Revolution? ("If you want to give money to people with minds that hate, all I can tell you brother is you have to wait." Fifty-three years on, the lyrics would be 'brother and sister,' of course.)
Here's how to make your voice heard. At least, heard by a corporation. Businesses pay attention to reviews; it's their life-blood. Popularity with the public is important to them because that is how they make their money, by making it seem like giving them your money is something you want to do.
On the other hand, the life of corporations is not an easy one if they get bad reviews. They cannot make nearly as much money then. That is why they pay attention to reviews.
Everyone including you and me can leave a review of a business on Google Maps. Until recently, I had no idea that this was even a thing. Someone mentioned it to me and I think it is brilliant. I can call it brilliant because it is not even my idea, it's someone else's idea, and it is truly brilliant.
Here's what you do.
- Go to Google Maps.
- Input the name of your company, the business you want to leave a review for. (Google calls it 'Search for a Place.')
- Click on that business and on the left, Google's Help instructions at this point will say something like scroll and click "Write a Review."
- You also get the opportunity to give the business 1 to 4 stars. Always leave at least 1 or 2 stars. This insures that your review will be printed.
Instead of Steps 3 and 4, you may have the business pop up on your screen by name. A tab with "reviews" may pop up with it. Below it should appear a hyperlink for "Write A Review." Click on that hyperlink and you are in business (no pun intended) to leave your review.
Your name will appear on the review automatically.
Now, if you wish, you can invite other people to visit your review and click "Like." The more Likes on a review, the greater the chances that the business will pay your review the attention it deserves.
That's it. Simple stuff, really. But definitely brilliant.
Happy review-writing!
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