Chuck Schumer told me something last night. Actually, it's what he did not say that educated me. Speaking of one of America's most vocal politicians, that is saying something about Chuck Schumer, that he did not speak.
Last night on cable TV Schumer declined to answer about the search warrant on The Grievance Boy's Florida residence while TGB was back in New York City. That was understandable, under the circumstances.
But then Schumer was asked a different question right after that one. He was asked about threats made by Kevin McCarthy against the Attorney General of the United States, and the Senator declined to answer.
That was his instinct, Speak No Evil. (I have no doubt that when instinct has passed, Senator Schumer will have something to say, but that will not change his instinctive reaction, the reaction he has when he is caught without time to reflect, so to speak.)
Compromise led to reconciliation only a couple of days ago. A bill passed the Senate this weekend because Senator Schumer and President Biden lined up all 50 senators who call themselves "Democrats" to vote for it. Compromise meant not saying anything bad about anyone whose vote you wanted.
They won't vote for your bill if they are offended by what you say. Even if what you say is the truth. Perhaps especially if what you say is the truth. So Speak No Evil is the order of the day or there will be no compromise, no reconciliation.
This was Chuck Schumer's instinct. Speak No Evil. I do not mean to single out Senator Schumer. Speak No Evil is also President Biden's default, and it was President Obama's instinct too. Speak No Evil. You can't compromise if you Speak The Truth.
Speak No Evil led to reconciliation. Speak No Evil also leads to insurrection. As we have seen, an instinct that Speaks No Evil encourages Evil to Speak and to take action. There are limits on speaking no evil, you know. If you don't see the limits, it's Murder on Fifth Avenue if your instinct is to watch and say nothing.
Just watch.
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