The Evil One does his dirtiest work at this time of year, and he is certainly at work in the Tennessee House of Representatives in Nashville today. The maggot supermajority is right now in the process of expelling three members who dared to speak up when they were deliberately not recognized to speak. They spoke up anyway.
They spoke up for the children, three of whom died from gunshots this week in their school along with three adults who also died from gunshots at that school. The children were at the Tennessee Capitol protesting nonexistent gun laws.
Today the children are reportedly protesting fascism at the Tennessee Capitol as three Members are expelled for the crime of speaking for them.
The maggots would like you to think that they have the supermajority and there isn't anything you can do about it. They are wrong.
There are lots of things that can be done. One is for the current Majority Leader of the U.S. Senate to strip the two U.S. Senators from Tennessee of their Committee assignments. I do not advocate that the Tennessee Senators be expelled; the Majority doesn't have the votes. But they can certainly try to remove the two from their Committee assignments. BTW, the two U.S. Senators from Tennessee are the famous MAGA supporter Marsha Blackburn, and an unknown man named Bill Hagerty. (I had to look them up.)
Another thing that can be done is for aid to Tennessee to suddenly dry up, at least temporarily, in whole or in part. I cannot support my tax dollars going to bail Tennessee out, not under these circumstances when Tennessee is apparently run by fascists who listen to The Evil One.
Those first two things are up to the U.S. Senate Majority Leader and the President of the United States, respectively. I would not be surprised if both of those two old men (they are barely older than I am) were not up to the job.
If that turns out to be the case, you and I can act even if they don't. We can boycott whatever it is that Tennessee provides the rest of the nation. The only thing I can think of is country music, the famous Nashville Sound. Today the Nashville Sound sounds an awful lot like a rally at Nuremberg in the 1930's.
Still, if that is all we have got to boycott, then I for one will not buy any more Dolly Parton records. Sorry, Dolly, but if you don't get with the program of freedom here, you're out with the rest. I don't have to spend my hard-earned money on this stuff.
That is what America is all about, friends.
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