President Joe Biden is not good at talking. I am not talking about stuttering; his life-long struggle to overcome stuttering is admirable.
No, I am talking about the fact that he is no good at talking. He is not an eloquent politician by anyone's reckoning, including his own.
His skills are in making deals. In his own mind, Joe Biden is a negotiator. Even though he gives away all his chips before he comes to the poker table, as he did when he gave away the Fourteenth Amendment instruction that the full faith and credit of the United States shall not be questioned, and chose instead to negotiate about it.
He chose to negotiate because, to say again, that's what he thinks he can do. That's why he took a negotiation and not a stand. Now he thinks he will be remembered as The Great Negotiator, because how he will be remembered a year from now is more important to him than the debt.
Joe Biden wants to be re-elected so bad, he can taste it.
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