Pluto at Christmas. (Image by NASA)
One year I sent out a Christmas card that I had sent before. Even though I had sent it out before, still I wanted to share the Holiday Spirit. I had a box full of cards from prior Christmases, but the ones I had were not enough to reach everybody I had sent cards in the past. So this particular year I was careful to choose the people who needed the card most, I thought, who would welcome the Spirit of Christmas and share it with others as well.
One of the people who got the card, a business "friend" (or at least I thought he was a friend, until then) EMailed me to take the opportunity to mock me, because as he informed me, his reaction when he received my card was that I had sent the card before.
Since then, I have felt badly when I remember the incident. I decided I shouldn't feel bad. He was wrong.
I wanted to share a joyous feeling. I was not wrong.
I will do it again.