These Government agencies want to hear from you. We can submit our comments online or mail them. If we submit our comments online, we can use the Federal eRulemaking Portal at www.regulations.gov. Whether we submit our comments online or by mail, they want us to identify our comments by Docket No. ATR 102. (On the Federal Trade Commission's website, I noticed this number as well on the FTC website: Document ID FTC-2024-0022-0001. When I leave my comments online at www.regulations.gov, as I intend to do, I will use the Docket No. ATR 102 like they ask for, but I just wanted you to know in advance what you will see if you send your comments through the FTC's website.)
These people want to hear from everyone who has a stake in Health Care in this nation. They want to hear from stakeholders, whether or not the stakeholders also hold shares in the companies that hold themselves out as providing you with Health Care in this country.
We will address different aspects of this Request for Information ("RFI") as time goes on, but that is not because the RFI is very long; it isn't very long. It is only 12 pages long (11 pages, really, because the 12th and last page is only a signature page and does not have any text to read on it). Rather, you and I will take our time together to look over the RFI because the information these agencies are looking for is huge.
For example, the agencies list out 5 questions they are interested in, 4 specific questions and one last overall question that asks if there is anything else we would like to address that we haven't already told them about.
We will start with their first question, and they ask us to "identify, where possible, the question numbers your comments are intended to address." Question 1 asks about Effects of Consolidation.
If you are a patient – and who isn't at one time or another – they want to know how a transaction that involved your health care providers like home-and community-based services, health systems, nursing homes or ambulatory surgical centers to name a few, affected in any way the providers' costs for you to obtain care, or ...
... costs of health insurance coverage, medical debt and access to charity care, quality of clinical or non-clinical care, quality of the patient’s experience, access to and denials of care, language access, types of goods and services offered, safety, utilization of services, drug utilization, staffing levels, mix of providers and medical support staff, practices regarding prior authorizations, other utilization management, or reimbursement strategies, referral practices, site of service for procedures, ease of access to providers, patient billing, collections, financial assistance practices, access to or sharing of patient information, differences in these areas in rural compared to urban settings, and differences in areas for marginalized patient populations, including differences by race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, income level, disability, Tribal status, or citizenship status.
Think they left anything out? Please remember that these are only examples of what you can talk to them about; they want to hear your experiences with these things, not somebody else's experiences.
Whatever we do in leaving our comments to provide them with information, they want us to remember this very important thing:
DO NOT include sensitive or confidential information in the comments including: social security numbers, dates of birth, driver’s license numbers or other state identification numbers, financial account information, sensitive health information, or competitively sensitive information. Comments will be posted on the Internet and made available to the public (subject to exceptions such as for personal privacy information of persons other than the submitter).
TO BE CONTINUED .... Please read the disclaimer. ©2024 Dennis J. Wall. All rights reserved.
All these Government agencies want to hear from all of us. We can submit our comments online or mail them. If we submit our comments online, we can use the Federal eRulemaking Portal at www.regulations.gov. Whether we submit our comments online or by mail, they want us to identify our comments by Docket No. ATR 102. (On the Federal Trade Commission's website, I noticed this number as well on the FTC website: Document ID FTC-2024-0022-0001. When I leave my comments online at www.regulations.gov, as I intend to do, I will use the Docket No. ATR 102 like they ask for, but I just wanted you to know in advance what you will see if you send your comments through the FTC's website.)
These people want to hear from everyone who has a stake in Health Care in this nation. They want to hear from stakeholders, whether or not the stakeholders also hold shares in the companies that hold themselves out as providing you with Health Care in this country.
We will address different aspects of this Request for Information ("RFI") as time goes on, but that is not because the RFI is very long; it isn't very long. It is only 12 pages long (11 pages, really, because the 12th and last page is only a signature page and does not have any text to read on it). Rather, you and I will take our time together to look over the RFI because the information these agencies are looking for is huge.
For example, the agencies list out 5 questions they are interested in, 4 specific questions and one last overall question that asks if there is anything else we would like to address that we haven't already told them about.
We will start with their first question, and they ask us to "identify, where possible, the question numbers your comments are intended to address." Question 1 asks about Effects of Consolidation.
If you are a patient – and who isn't at one time or another – they want to know how a transaction that involved your health care providers like home-and community-based services, health systems, nursing homes or ambulatory surgical centers to name a few, affected in any way the providers' costs for you to obtain care, or ...
... costs of health insurance coverage, medical debt and access to charity care, quality of clinical or non-clinical care, quality of the patient’s experience, access to and denials of care, language access, types of goods and services offered, safety, utilization of services, drug utilization, staffing levels, mix of providers and medical support staff, practices regarding prior authorizations, other utilization management, or reimbursement strategies, referral practices, site of service for procedures, ease of access to providers, patient billing, collections, financial assistance practices, access to or sharing of patient information, differences in these areas in rural compared to urban settings, and differences in areas for marginalized patient populations, including differences by race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, income level, disability, Tribal status, or citizenship status.
Think they left anything out? Please remember that these are only examples of what you can talk to them about; they want to hear your experiences with these things, not somebody else's experiences.
Whatever we do in leaving our comments to provide them with information, they want us to remember this very important thing:
DO NOT include sensitive or confidential information in the comments including: social security numbers, dates of birth, driver’s license numbers or other state identification numbers, financial account information, sensitive health information, or competitively sensitive information. Comments will be posted on the Internet and made available to the public (subject to exceptions such as for personal privacy information of persons other than the submitter).
TO BE CONTINUED .... Please read the disclaimer. ©2024 Dennis J. Wall. All rights reserved.
Posted by Dennis J. Wall on April 23, 2024 at 05:44 AM in Comments on Proposed Rules, Health Insurance | Permalink | Comments (0)
Tags: #AntitrustDivision, #BAPP, #BocaAreaPostPolioGroup, #DallasAreaPPSG, #DepartmentOfJustice, #FederalTradeCommission, #HealthCare, #HHS, #PAPolioNetwork, #PolioSupportGroup, #RequestForInformation, #SanGabrielValley, #WestInlandEmpire