"Outside agitators." That's who George Corley Wallace blamed for all the civil rights troubles in the 1960's.
It wasn't true then. (Not unless you count the students from Northern universities who travelled to Mississippi for Freedom Summer in 1964 to help register Black people to vote.)
I was never accustomed to taking guidance from George Corley Wallace, and I am not accustomed to taking guidance from his ghost now.
I was surprised that university presidents do, until I realized they are not really university presidents, not in the academic sense. For the most part, they are not academics. Today, university presidents are fund raisers. That is how they get to become university presidents: They can raise money.
University fund raisers are afraid of their billionaire funding donors. That makes the billionaires the real outside agitators today. It is they who are responsible for the police riots that are reportedly taking place on university campuses with hundreds of students arrested across the nation from New York to California, tear gas and rubber bullets at Emory in Atlanta, and everywhere tents and personal property being destroyed or confiscated by men and women wearing uniforms.
However many "outside agitators" successfully elude detection at the entrances to universities today, the real violence-causing outside agitators are the ones who write the checks and the ones who cash them.
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