Here is an article that highlights something that its author and editors never imagined: Christina Jewett, National Sciences Academy Asks Court to Strip Sackler Name From Endowment, NEW YORK TIMES online April 12, 2024 (may be behind a paywall).
The National Academy of Sciences has gone to court to ask a judge to strip the name of the Sackler family of Purdue Pharma Opioid fame, from the Millions of Dollars of donations the Sacklers gave for conferences, prizes, and studies that would feature the Sackler name. The Academy cannot get any takers for those events if they bear the Sackler name.
For their part, the Sacklers apparently say that there was no need to go to court and get a judge involved. They say that if they had only been asked, they would have agreed to repurpose their donations for "scientific studies, projects and educational activities" – presumably without their name on them, but perhaps not.
In any case, the article tells you when the Sacklers began their donations, but it does not say when the donations ended.
Now the most remarkable thing about this article, something that the author and her editors did not intend to show, and something which the modern major media does all the time now: The major media write like the Federal Government, the United States and, in this specific instance, the National Academy of Sciences were all the same as they are now and were before January 2017 through about January 2021.
The Academy was not the same then as now nor as before, of course. I recall the Pandemic, hydroxychloroquine, and so on. That was the time when the Opioid Crisis flourished as well. I don't know about you, but I do not believe in coincidences as big as those.
The truth of course is that the National Academy of Sciences was not the same between January 2017 and January 2021. To pretend that it was is simply not true.
Here's one more thought before we go. The Sacklers now say that if they had only been asked, they would have agreed to repurpose their Millions in donations and, presumably (but who knows?), take their name off their donations. So, did anybody ask? Ever? And if so, what did the Sacklers reply, then? Thank you.
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