As some Democrats tear their party apart after finally realizing that the President who announced for re-election months ago is an old guy, but who said nothing at the time or at any time until now, the MAGAts are meeting in Milwaukee.
They have adopted a platform which took out the words reflecting that they want to prohibit abortion. That would not be a good sell, apparently, so they adopted a new platform instead. The new platform is sly instead of blunt.
It is anything but unifying, so far as that goes.
Their new platform leaves it to each State to decide if a human embryo is a human person. There does not appear to be any limitation. As far as the new platform language goes, any State is free to rule what the Convention delegates have been saying, which is that every embryo is a person regardless of whether the embryo ever becomes a baby or is born or, well, anything other than just an embryo which is enough to be a person according to this.
Their new platform would slyly make every embryo a "person" protected by the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution. Never mind that every Court that has ever ruled on this question has ruled that it is not so. Never mind that every time they try to introduce this as legislation in the U.S. Congress, it either gets voted down or it goes nowhere.
Now they have a platform. And a person to appoint new judges and new Members of Congress, they think.
This is not unity. This is a sleazy backdoor, back-alley mugging that pretends to be American, but only pretends.
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