Mike Johnson, current speaker of the house, reportedly issued a personal invitation to Bibi Netanyahu to speak in the U.S. Bibi, as many know, is currently the prime minister of Israel despite an almost complete lack of public support.
He and Mike have that in common.
The Senate is supposed to issue its own invitation if Bibi is supposed to address Congress, but I haven't heard that anyone who is authorized to issue Senate invitations to speak, has issued an invitation to Bibi to speak yet.
President Biden hasn't invited Bibi here, so Bibi can't be making a State Visit.
All that being so, Mike's invitation to Bibi to drop by was and remains a personal invitation. If you or I had a relative or somebody coming to visit us, we would have to go and pick them up at the airport probably. So, Mike, who's going to pick Bibi up at the airport?
And while we're at it, I question allowing more guns to come into the country, plus whatever security guards Bibi can get to protect him while he's here are probably suspicious characters, don't you think? So why should these people be allowed into this country with guns?
And who other than the American Taxpayer is footing the bill for Mike's invitation?
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