Even if you yourself know that you are probably not going to use them, keep your options alive. If you take them away yourself, you have lost them just as surely as if your adversary took them away.
The Biden Administration had an option to have a coin available to pay off the debt, a massive, magic coin. Bitcoin I believe it is called. The Biden negotiators took this option off the table. Treasury Secretary Yellen, for example, called it "a gimmick."
The Biden negotiators still have the option of following the Fourteenth Amendment but, thanks to the Biden people themselves, this option is on life support. Barely alive as an option now, following the Fourteenth Amendment would be relatively simple stuff. The Fourteenth Amendment expressly provides that the full faith and credit of the United States shall not be questioned. That's the Fourteenth Amendment in the Constitution.
Last I looked at Constitutions and statutes, the U.S. Constitution takes precedence over any conflicting statute. That includes the debt limit statute which is currently being used to take the Biden Administration – and the United States itself – hostage if the demands of the maggots are not met. So the Constitution should win over the statute, right?
Well, Biden aides have let it be known that they do not think much of this option. It would inevitably mean going to Court. That could take a long time. And it would ultimately end up before the U.S. Supreme Court, and who has any faith in them or at least in about 6 of them, anyway? (Sounds like Merrick Garland, doesn't it?)
Lawyers look at arguments. Lawyers ask if the argument is good or bad. I know. I am one of them.
I think the Fourteenth Amendment is a pretty good argument. Actually, it's a very good argument. This is one argument that I would have been happy to make in Court myself, except that I am not the Attorney General or the Solicitor General or even one of Joe Biden's aides. Still, surely one or more among them can make a good argument, especially one that is as good as this one. One that is handed to you.
Well, it could take a long time. So what? People will receive Social Security checks and paychecks in the meantime, and all the other debts of the nation will be paid in the meantime as well. The Civil War took 4 years. Some people thought that was a long time.
But the toil, the strife, the sacrifices, were all worth it in the end. Certainly that was true for the vast, vast majority of the nation.
So don't be afraid or very afraid. Have faith and be hopeful, be very hopeful. And keep all your remaining options alive, for gosh sake.
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